Thursday, April 7, 2011

Where Shopping Is A Pleasure

Let me just start off by staying raising toddlers can be tough...wait, is Avery considered a toddler now? I assumed that once to get to the point of them no longer being called a 'baby' then the next definition must be toddler. I don't think there's an in-between word, though maybe there should be because I'm not quite ready for that trasition just yet.

On that note, I took my toddler to Publix today to pick up our 'Friday List' of a few things. We typically do our shopping on Mondays, so Fridays are the quick trip. This proved to not be the case as we quickly approached the 10 minute mark in the deli department today. Now, I gotta give props to Michelle, as she was doing her best to take care of the customers and keep herself organized, but is it really nessecary to clean the meat slicing thingy after every use?!

We just needed ham and some cheese for the little one and Mommy was quickly running out of options to entartain the strapped-in 14 month old. We were already done with the back-up graham crackers and she had now begun flinging herself all over because she's just discovered there is a strap that's restrianing her from jumping out of the cart and grabbing every balloon in sight.

At this point, dear Michelle, our trip to the deli was over. Thank you for your time. I politely informed the other worker that I was fine without my cheese and we were on our way.

By the time we were ten feet away, Avery was back to normal. All things considered, she did pretty well and was now happily re-visiting the graham cracker bag. We continued to pick up our things and found ourselves a nice gentleman to ring us up, and we were about to be on our way when the manager of the deli department appeared, and kindly placed my 6 slices of povolone in the cart. With a huge grin on my face, I thanked her, and she simply said she completely understood.

And so Publix, you have prooven yet again why I continue to shop at your store. You have and will always be my number one choice for groceries and I so appreciate you, more than you know :)

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