Friday, November 30, 2012


   OK, so I was trying to be really good about updating things, but it's been crazy to say the least, and I've been majorly slacking.
   So, to update:
         One - We moved! Yay! On October 15th, 2012 at 1:00pm Mike and I officallly became home owners. That weekend we moved into our brand new home. Words seem to become void as I try to think of how to describe how happy I am that we are even in a home, nevermind that we built it! We celebrated our first Thanksgiving here with Mike's parents and his sister, Renee. I loved having a place that could hold visitors and that we no longer had to ship them away at night because there was litterallly no where to put anyone. To say that I am thankful, again, seems mundane.
          Two - Haysley started walking just two weeks short of us moving in. I'm not gonna lie, I was really hoping she'd wait until we were here so that her first steps would be in this house, but it's ok. We will have lots of others firsts here. Haysley has also started using a lot of words to communicate and loves the word 'no!'. She says it for just about everything, and it's kinda of hilarious.
          Three - Avery is growing like a weed....seriously I feel like it's an inch a month (her hair included). She has become such an adorable little girl! She has likes and dislikes with just about everything. She loves her family. And she adores Disney Princesses. If we would let her, she would probably have everything princess at this point. Thankfully we've been able to sneak a few things in that were not, like her flower bedding, and a few of the clothes. But you better believe that as soon as her princess pajamas are clean, whatever she's wearing is coming off and she's wearing those for the rest of the day :)


 Sometimes God really does move in a way that can only be described as Him. In mid-May we found ourselves on the phone until well past mid-night with our new realtor (by new I mean we had only met her 10 days before). And within 24 hours we had made the commitment to build a home in Anderson, South Carolina.

   Within three months of that decision, Rebekah, Mike’s boss at Anderson University, took a job back in Florida and after check-in at the university, she was leaving.

   We now find ourselves certain that God moved to have us stay in Anderson, and I find myself hopeful that Michael will find himself with a potential job promotion.

   Timing is perfect with God. So as if right now, we patiently wait for God to move. Mike has been told it could be weeks before the university makes a decision about who to fill with the director position.

   Life is crazy. But good. And crazy.
Orrignally posted on 9-11-12

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Tonight is the first night Avery's starts sleeping in her toddler bed :) I cannot believe she's this big already. I mean seriously! The next thing to go will be the pacy and then we start potty training! I am NOT ready! (Emotionally I mean)

Mike and I started realizing Avery might be ready for this change when we noticed other parents with children her age (or younger) doing the same thing. At first you wonder if it will be a complete disaster...I mean, what if she hates it and cries all night? Or, what if she figures out the new found freedom and I wake up to her standing beside my bed at 3am?

Well we weighed our options the past week and once we found bedding, that was it :) So, Mike and I planned to do it on the weekend, before nap time. That way we could both be there and Avery could test it out with nap time first.

She was SO excited when we were working on it today (I wasn't sure if she would be upset). She loved running around playing with her sheets and comforter...and jumping on the matress, hah! We 'gave' Haysley Avery's purple crib bedding and then 'gave' Avery her new flower set. Tonight, as I put her down I let her crawl into bed all by herself. I then gave her a kiss g-night and she put her little head up and said 'Baby's flower' pointing to Haysley's crib, and I answered 'yes', then she pointed at her sheet and said, 'Avery's flower', and I smiled and said yes. She then happily put her head down and I covered her with her new flower sheets. It was a good day.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


It's so strange the differences in children. We only have two and besides being girls, there's not much they are alike about. Now, I know they are still young, and I'm sure my list will grow with time, but for now, let's list a few examples:
     1. Avery has olive skin; Haysley is very fare
     2. Avery has light brown hair; Haysley's is red
     3. Avery did great with milk and baby food; Haysley is very picky (already!)
     4. Avery is a pacifier baby; Haysley is a thumb sucker.
Now this brings me to the point of this blog entree! In the past two months, Haysley no longer seems to be able to find complete security in her thumb when she is awake. No, no! She has discovered my hair...every last strand of it. No ordinary blanket will do when Mom's hair is available! She has her priorities when she's tired, and it's hair first, then thumb. I mean, we are talking all out lunging, mouth open, both hands extended, swiping and then sucking. It's really hilarious to all who have viewed this. Where she picked it up, I don't know.

So, all this to be said, Haylsey is a thumb sucker AND hair grabber. Thankfully, she doesn't seem to need it to fall asleep (whew!). But myyyyy gooodness child. You're making me bald! :)

Monday, February 6, 2012


Well, I really don't know how this happened, but Avery turned two just a few days ago. Two, TWO...that means she's been in our life for over 730 days and taken up 104 weekends, but she has loved us eary single minute of it. It's amazing to me to see how much a child can love you, I mean really. Their affection is completely un-conditional, you don't have to earn one little bit of it. They just love and that's it.

God really knew what He was doing when He created our little Avery. I'm not trying to brag here, but we have a pretty perfect kid. I started this blog because she was and still is doing all these amazing things, and I don't want to take for granted any of it.

Looking back makes me look forward to her future. I get nervous, excited, and sad all at the sametime when I think about. Panties will come into play this year along with her first sentence, though I'm pretty sure she says them now, you just can't understand it. She will start to understand and love her little sister...for that matter, this year her sister might just get old enough to play...that's another exciting thought. Avery will probably discover her favorite color, animal, and maybe even outfit. And MAYBE even start trying new foods, though no fingers are crossed on that one.

What the next 365 days hold, I can't tell. But I can tell you I've never been this excited about an upcoming year. Our family will grow so much as these two girls get one year older. The baby phase will have finally left the building, and we are so ready for it. I look forward to seeing Avery grow into even more of a litte girl, and my prayer is that her Daddy and I continue to be there to protect, teach, and love her every moment of it.

Happy Birthday, Avery Bryn, we love you!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

We Made It

Haysley will be 9 months in 9 days, and Avery will be turning 2 in 12 days. As I looked into the bright eyes of my little Haysley Lynn, I feel like she simply said, 'Mommy, we did it'. And I literally wanted to break down and cry, because she was right!

This past year has been the craziest and I hope and pray it is the last. No amount of money would ever convince me to do it over again. Mike and I have been stretched further than I ever thought humanly possible, battling through sleepless nights of worry, stress, and a crying, not me :)

But it's true, somehow, by God's grace and mercy, we made it through 2011.

Now, I look forward to this year but being careful not to hold too high expectations. Last year my prayer was for patience, constant patience, but this week I have selected my new word, and it's sympathy. This year I have learned not to set expectations on myself, my children, or my husband. And through this God has shone me my next struggle, sympathy. I will continue to prayer for patience, but now with an added dose of understanding.