Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pooper Scooper

Well, Sunday was an interesting day...

We had our normal routine at church and headed to Panera for our 'brunch'. Avery did great in her highchair (considering by this point she is sleep deprived, such is every Sunday) She sat contently and even ate some ham we had gotten for her (big steps for the picky eater).

Then, it happened...the red face, the grunting, and bulging of the eyes. We weren't quite finished with our food selections yet, so I decided to wait to go clean her up...dumb idea.

Once I was finished with my cafe latte, I swooped her up and headed for the ladies room. It was upon the arrival at the changing table that I realized what had happened, and let me just say, it was everywhere. All down the leg, in her lacely shoes, and, oh yeah, all over my arm.

Now, this was a new occurance for the two of us. It was a strange out-of-body experience. In my mind I'm screaming, "Oh my gosh! Get this stuff off me! Where's the shower! I'm gonna puke! Ugh!!!!". But, saying these word aloud to my 15 month old would not help things, especially since she was already so fond of being changed in the a public bathroom as is.

Mommy mode kicks in and I become very thankful for my stock of wipes and the little diaper bags. While the process begins, I am quickly remembering that Daddy is in the restuarant 'cleaning' up our table so we can depart. My mind has already begun thinking of the couple that will stop him and ask to use the highchair... I begin working faster.

Avery, shoeless, and I arrive just before Daddy was going to put the chair away and we are able to avert the disaster. Fifteen wipes later everyone/thing is clean and disinfected :)

Parenting is awesome.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mommy Olympics

Ok, so I know there is no such thing, and I've actually made references to this 'event' on facebook before, because I think they really should create it. Mommy Olympics. It would be legendary. Here are some of the events:

1. Vacuuming the entire house left handed and barefoot. Why? Well, because you've got a 1 year old on your hip that sudden became scared of the loud noise and barefoot so you can keep the cord from getting sucked up. You would win silver if you accomplished all this in under 30 minutes, and gold if you were pregnant during it all. I know I'm biased, but it's my Olympics.

2. Getting the groceries inside and put away before the ice cream melts. This would obviously be a weekly event. You would receive a bonus if you creatively used your resources, aka the red wagon, to make it all in one trip. Again, with a 20 pound child strapped to your hip and pregnant. Oh! But this time with a hyperactive dog running around as well.

3. Scenario: your husband is out-of-town for a few days so you must figure out how to do his chores at the same time you're doing yours. Solution: bag trash while child is asleep and assemble stroller. Next, when child is awake, strap into stroller and use stroller hook for trash. Attach dog. Grab mail key. Proceed to doorway. Bonus: getting through doorway :) Achieving gold is if only one lap around development is required because you remembered everything.

I'm sure as the months/years go by, I will be adding to this list, but for now we have three events. I'll have to work on the opening ceremonies later and including some sort of false pretenses.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Where Shopping Is A Pleasure

Let me just start off by staying raising toddlers can be tough...wait, is Avery considered a toddler now? I assumed that once to get to the point of them no longer being called a 'baby' then the next definition must be toddler. I don't think there's an in-between word, though maybe there should be because I'm not quite ready for that trasition just yet.

On that note, I took my toddler to Publix today to pick up our 'Friday List' of a few things. We typically do our shopping on Mondays, so Fridays are the quick trip. This proved to not be the case as we quickly approached the 10 minute mark in the deli department today. Now, I gotta give props to Michelle, as she was doing her best to take care of the customers and keep herself organized, but is it really nessecary to clean the meat slicing thingy after every use?!

We just needed ham and some cheese for the little one and Mommy was quickly running out of options to entartain the strapped-in 14 month old. We were already done with the back-up graham crackers and she had now begun flinging herself all over because she's just discovered there is a strap that's restrianing her from jumping out of the cart and grabbing every balloon in sight.

At this point, dear Michelle, our trip to the deli was over. Thank you for your time. I politely informed the other worker that I was fine without my cheese and we were on our way.

By the time we were ten feet away, Avery was back to normal. All things considered, she did pretty well and was now happily re-visiting the graham cracker bag. We continued to pick up our things and found ourselves a nice gentleman to ring us up, and we were about to be on our way when the manager of the deli department appeared, and kindly placed my 6 slices of povolone in the cart. With a huge grin on my face, I thanked her, and she simply said she completely understood.

And so Publix, you have prooven yet again why I continue to shop at your store. You have and will always be my number one choice for groceries and I so appreciate you, more than you know :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Wonder Way

Well, it was time. We knew this day would come, but weren't expecting it so suddenly!

We arrived at church on time yesterday (amazingly enough), and promptly went to drop Avery off at the nursery. Now, mind you, we attend a church with thousands of people, so seeing people you know becomes few and far between.

That's why we loved our little Wonder Way 4...sniff! Those volunteers were the first people I ever felt comfortable leaving our little one with. By the second week, they remembered her name; by the fourth week she actually leaned towards one of the them instead of clinging to me. It was awesome.

So, we arrive as normal, and proceed to check-in. I was prepared for the common question: 'Wonder Way 3 or 4?' So I thought I'd skip ahead of her just a bit and simply say, 'Wonder Way 4, please'. She looked at me surprised and sweetly stated Avery had been moved up to Wonder Way 5 this week. Apparently they do this when the kiddos hit that 14 month mark. Denial begins...

Two hours later we're picking Avery up and she's done pretty well (probably better than I was doing). They said she did great considering it was her first time there. Whew! Once she was collected, we couldn't help but walking by and saying 'adios' to out wonderful Wonder Way 4 Team. No tears were shed, but they came close, I could tell.

And so it continues. Avery keeps growing up and it's painfully amazing in so many ways. Maybe I'll see the next 'upgrade' coming sooner...sigh...

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today Avery started putting her arms out and moving her fingers back and forth as if to say, "pick me up, I'm cute", and it works every time. She caught onto that one quick :)

It figures; this kid is so smart. She picks up on everything, usually before I can register that is what she's doing, she is repeating some noise I'm making or some movement I'm doing.

Which leads me to my thoughts...how much does she actually see? I mean, really see. It's mind blowing to know that this little 27" person is so observant! I guess it makes sense, I mean, in reality she's at a pretty good phase being just over 14 months and now that she has this whole walking thing down, it's like she tries to learn something new everyday. Saying that children are like sponges really does seem like and accurate statement now.

This also makes me a bit overwhelmed with the responsibility God has given me and Mike to raise this one (and her sister here shortly). Daily I am realizing the true importance of not just taking care of her, but being a Mom. I mean, a babysitters can care for her, but I know her. I mean really know her. I know what books she likes to read when; I know her favorite bathtub toys; I know when she's ticklish, and when she's not. I'm sure I could create a longer list, but you get my point. A Mom knows her kid, period. And that's so amazing to me.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Pigtails and Ponytails

For starters,  I am unsure of the different between these two. Maybe one is suppossed to be shorter than the other, when you compare it to the actually animal that kinda makes sense. So, I guess I juat answered my own wonderment.

On that note, today was Avery's first day of pigtails (though I am now unaware when her first day will be of ponytails). Nothing short of a milestone for Mom here, but still. If she wasn't so stinkin' adorable to begin with, throw in two sprouts growing out the back of her head and you've got a cover girl baby. Hands down; No competition.

And it's not even the little rubber bands that make this kid cute, it's completely her God-given beauty. Daddy's already preparing with a loaded gun for the day other people start to notice. But, seriously, have you seen my kid? The bluest eyes ever with the most amazing, long eyelashes, the adorbale nose, and pouty lips. She's perfect. Then throw in a cute outfit and hair that's actually long enough to do something with, and you've got a winner.

...sigh...I love her...

There, enough bragging for one day.