Friday, April 1, 2011

Pigtails and Ponytails

For starters,  I am unsure of the different between these two. Maybe one is suppossed to be shorter than the other, when you compare it to the actually animal that kinda makes sense. So, I guess I juat answered my own wonderment.

On that note, today was Avery's first day of pigtails (though I am now unaware when her first day will be of ponytails). Nothing short of a milestone for Mom here, but still. If she wasn't so stinkin' adorable to begin with, throw in two sprouts growing out the back of her head and you've got a cover girl baby. Hands down; No competition.

And it's not even the little rubber bands that make this kid cute, it's completely her God-given beauty. Daddy's already preparing with a loaded gun for the day other people start to notice. But, seriously, have you seen my kid? The bluest eyes ever with the most amazing, long eyelashes, the adorbale nose, and pouty lips. She's perfect. Then throw in a cute outfit and hair that's actually long enough to do something with, and you've got a winner.

...sigh...I love her...

There, enough bragging for one day.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought the difference was that pigtails were braids.... I don't know...
    And, yes, you really do have one adorable girl.
