Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today Avery started putting her arms out and moving her fingers back and forth as if to say, "pick me up, I'm cute", and it works every time. She caught onto that one quick :)

It figures; this kid is so smart. She picks up on everything, usually before I can register that is what she's doing, she is repeating some noise I'm making or some movement I'm doing.

Which leads me to my much does she actually see? I mean, really see. It's mind blowing to know that this little 27" person is so observant! I guess it makes sense, I mean, in reality she's at a pretty good phase being just over 14 months and now that she has this whole walking thing down, it's like she tries to learn something new everyday. Saying that children are like sponges really does seem like and accurate statement now.

This also makes me a bit overwhelmed with the responsibility God has given me and Mike to raise this one (and her sister here shortly). Daily I am realizing the true importance of not just taking care of her, but being a Mom. I mean, a babysitters can care for her, but I know her. I mean really know her. I know what books she likes to read when; I know her favorite bathtub toys; I know when she's ticklish, and when she's not. I'm sure I could create a longer list, but you get my point. A Mom knows her kid, period. And that's so amazing to me.

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