OK, so I was trying to be really good about updating things, but it's been crazy to say the least, and I've been majorly slacking.
So, to update:
One - We moved! Yay! On October 15th, 2012 at 1:00pm Mike and I officallly became home owners. That weekend we moved into our brand new home. Words seem to become void as I try to think of how to describe how happy I am that we are even in a home, nevermind that we built it! We celebrated our first Thanksgiving here with Mike's parents and his sister, Renee. I loved having a place that could hold visitors and that we no longer had to ship them away at night because there was litterallly no where to put anyone. To say that I am thankful, again, seems mundane.
Two - Haysley started walking just two weeks short of us moving in. I'm not gonna lie, I was really hoping she'd wait until we were here so that her first steps would be in this house, but it's ok. We will have lots of others firsts here. Haysley has also started using a lot of words to communicate and loves the word 'no!'. She says it for just about everything, and it's kinda of hilarious.
Three - Avery is growing like a weed....seriously I feel like it's an inch a month (her hair included). She has become such an adorable little girl! She has likes and dislikes with just about everything. She loves her family. And she adores Disney Princesses. If we would let her, she would probably have everything princess at this point. Thankfully we've been able to sneak a few things in that were not, like her flower bedding, and a few of the clothes. But you better believe that as soon as her princess pajamas are clean, whatever she's wearing is coming off and she's wearing those for the rest of the day :)
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