Haysley will be 9 months in 9 days, and Avery will be turning 2 in 12 days. As I looked into the bright eyes of my little Haysley Lynn, I feel like she simply said, 'Mommy, we did it'. And I literally wanted to break down and cry, because she was right!
This past year has been the craziest and I hope and pray it is the last. No amount of money would ever convince me to do it over again. Mike and I have been stretched further than I ever thought humanly possible, battling through sleepless nights of worry, stress, and a crying baby...no, not me :)
But it's true, somehow, by God's grace and mercy, we made it through 2011.
Now, I look forward to this year but being careful not to hold too high expectations. Last year my prayer was for patience, constant patience, but this week I have selected my new word, and it's sympathy. This year I have learned not to set expectations on myself, my children, or my husband. And through this God has shone me my next struggle, sympathy. I will continue to prayer for patience, but now with an added dose of understanding.
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