Wednesday, March 14, 2012


It's so strange the differences in children. We only have two and besides being girls, there's not much they are alike about. Now, I know they are still young, and I'm sure my list will grow with time, but for now, let's list a few examples:
     1. Avery has olive skin; Haysley is very fare
     2. Avery has light brown hair; Haysley's is red
     3. Avery did great with milk and baby food; Haysley is very picky (already!)
     4. Avery is a pacifier baby; Haysley is a thumb sucker.
Now this brings me to the point of this blog entree! In the past two months, Haysley no longer seems to be able to find complete security in her thumb when she is awake. No, no! She has discovered my hair...every last strand of it. No ordinary blanket will do when Mom's hair is available! She has her priorities when she's tired, and it's hair first, then thumb. I mean, we are talking all out lunging, mouth open, both hands extended, swiping and then sucking. It's really hilarious to all who have viewed this. Where she picked it up, I don't know.

So, all this to be said, Haylsey is a thumb sucker AND hair grabber. Thankfully, she doesn't seem to need it to fall asleep (whew!). But myyyyy gooodness child. You're making me bald! :)